Alumni Mentoring Program

Inspire and empower CCAD students by becoming an alumni mentor.

The Alumni Mentoring Program at Columbus College of Art & Design connects current students to established alumni to receive career guidance, professional development, and more. Share your perspective and knowledge of industry best practices—and reconnect with CCAD in the process!

Alumni have the opportunity to mentor students on a voluntary basis each academic year, starting in the fall semester and ending in the spring semester.

This flexible, self-directed program is designed to accommodate mentor and mentee schedules. Mentoring sessions typically happen once per month, and they can be held in person, over the phone, or online. No two mentoring experiences are the same, but you’re likely to offer industry insight, provide portfolio feedback, and provide other creative and career-related pointers.

While the mentorship engagement lasts a single academic year, many pairs have continued to stay in touch personally and professionally, even collaborating on creative projects.

It really gives an opportunity to foster learning for both participants, and possibly build towards a future where both mentor and mentee could become peers…. It’s fascinating and wonderful to see the world through the eyes of a new generation and to share that moment when discovery or realization happens.

Jeff Carlisle (Illustration, 1997) Alumni Mentor
CCAD 20230728 Alumni Weekend 24


Mentoring sessions last a full academic year. Opportunities are limited and vary based on the number of participating students and alumni each semester.


Session Duration

Oct. 10, 2023 - May 10, 2024

Alumni Mentor Applications

Aug. 8 - Sept. 8, 2023

Student Mentee Applications

Aug. 23 - Sept. 22, 2023

Match Day

October 2, 2023

Welcome Meeting

October 10, 2023

Closing Meeting


Program Evaluation Opens

May 8, 2024

Following the mentoring session, program evaluations will be accepted for about a month.

Mentor Expectations

Alumni mentors are expected to meet with their student mentees at least once monthly during the length of the program.

We encourage mentors to actively listen to their mentees, ask supportive questions, and provide direct and constructive feedback without offending or criticizing. We expect mentors to be responsive and to reply to mentees in a timely manner.

Mentors are not expected to offer job or internship opportunities, initiate all communications with their mentees, or have all the answers to questions from their mentees. Mentors are also not expected to continue the mentoring relationship after the program concludes; however, they are encouraged to continue connecting if interested.

Read more in the Mentoring Guidebook.

Mentee Expectations

Student mentees are expected to meet with their alumni mentors at least once monthly during the length of the program.

We encourage mentees to discuss their interests and expectations with their mentors up front, actively ask insightful questions, and be receptive to constructive feedback provided by their mentors. We expect mentees to be the initiators of their mentoring relationship, be considerate and respectful of their mentors’ time, approach the relationship with professionalism and respect, and respond to all communications in a timely manner.

Mentees should understand that their mentors are not expected to offer job or internship opportunities, initiate all communications, or have all the answers to their questions.

Read more in the Mentoring Guidebook.

Alumni Mentoring FAQ

For Alumni Mentors:

  • Mentors provide services to students in the CCAD Alumni Mentoring Program on a volunteer basis.

  • Mentors must be alumni who are graduates of CCAD; we define a graduate as an individual who has earned a CCAD degree

  • Alumni interested in becoming a mentor must apply to the program

  • Alumni who are specifically interested in mentoring graduate students should discuss mentorship opportunities with Kelly Malec-Kosak, Chair of Master of Fine Arts, who can be reached at [email protected]

For Student Mentees:

  • Undergraduate students are eligible for this program once they’ve completed their first year; transfer students are not required to complete one year before being eligible

  • Students who are interested in being mentees must apply to be part of the program

  • Graduate students should discuss mentorship opportunities with Kelly Malec-Kosak, Chair of Master of Fine Arts, who can be reached at [email protected]

Mentors and mentees are expected to meet at least once per month during the length of the program. The duration of each meeting is determined by individual mentor and mentee pairings.

  • A professional relationship between mentors and mentees must be maintained at all times.

  • If mentors and mentees meet in person, these meetings must occur in public places.

  • Any form of harassment, including comments on race, color, religion, gender, sexuality, national origin, ethnicity, disability, or age will not be tolerated and will be grounds for immediate dismissal from the mentoring program.

  • Mentors and mentees should be specific about what confidentiality means to them, and what they might want to remain confidential throughout the mentoring relationship.

Read more in the Mentoring Guidebook.

Mentorship opportunities are limited depending on the number of participating alumni and students each academic year. We will do our best to confirm pairings for all interested alumni and students; however, if we are unable to confirm a pairing for the current mentoring session, we will keep application information on file for the following academic year.

I’m grateful that my mentor put faith in my passion and potential, and I feel as if this is one of the many big steps I’ve taken towards my goals. I encourage others to branch out and connect with the world and take the steps we’re often too afraid to take…The mentorship program can be a good start for many so I always encourage others to apply.”

Jaiden Garden (Illustration, 2024) Student Mentee

For more information on the CCAD Alumni Mentoring Program, contact the Alumni office at [email protected].