
On Wednesday, May 8, Columbus College of Art & Design’s campus will come alive with art, design, food, and activities as part of OhioHealth presents Chroma: Best of CCAD | The 140th Student Exhibition.

But before that, there’s a lot of work to be done.

Among the students putting the finishing touches on projects for Chroma is Darrin Faires (Student Agency my sophomore year. Work here was a blessing. I became more technically savvy and I learned how to organize things better. With the last campaign I worked on, I was put in charge of the video project and that gave me a better understanding of leading a group and managing people.

On crafting a visual album:

Each of these videos stands on its own. They tell a bigger story together. We scripted and we wrote everything together to be one massive piece. There are tons of Easter eggs and things that go back and forth between videos. In order to fully experience it, you have to see the whole thing.

On lessons learned while creating Harpoon:

Planning, planning, planning. Lots of stuff for this, I’d never done before. I’d never shot underwater. I’d never been to the ocean. I’ve never shot using fog—that was the first time I’ve done all these things. Next time, if I do I’ve never done, I’ll test it beforehand.

The opening in Ceiling took four days, and I think that video is going to be the strongest for it. We spent a day on production design itself, a day on lighting, and two days for filming, so there was a lot of time for just that once scene.

On showing work at Chroma:

It’s scary, because most people don’t know who I am, but it’s also satisfying to have a big audience like this. That’s why any visual person makes something, for it to be looked at and seen.

Don’t miss OhioHealth presents Chroma: Best of CCAD | The 140th Student Exhibition on Wednesday, May 8. Parking, admission, and activities are free and open to the public.

Check out HARPOON: Trailer II from Darrin Faires on Vimeo.